Buccaneer Battle by Ansel&BoMToons - MaxGames.com Game dimensions: 700 (width) x 350 (height) Instructions: p = pause q = toggle quality a = sword attack s = shoot gun d = bombs (buy them in the bar!) double-tap arrows to slide slide + a = slide attack space = get on cannon double tap arrows to move cannon left and right Bar folks are randomized every game-play so play through a few times to see the variety! Description: Pirates of inland lake, here comes a pirate fighting game especially for you! Your task in this combination of brawler/shooter game full of crazy action is to fight against the enemy pirate captain and his crew, and then face the ocean's fiercest creature for an intense final boss fight. Thanks for downloading, please feel free to add a link back to Maxgames.com if you are hosting our games.